Graduate Student Organizations
Contact Info
Emily Laabs
Graduate Program Manager
(608) 262-5887
In This Section
Current Students:
Your info is on the Hub site.
Plant Pathology Graduate Colloqium (PPGC)
The Plant Pathology Graduate Colloqium was founded by the graduate students of plant pathology. PPGC was created to foster enhanced communication, promote more social interaction, and provide professional development opportunities for the graduate students of Plant Sciences. PPGC is a group of students responsible for providing student representation to departmental committees, assisting in graduate recruitment, and holding professional development and social events throughout the year.
Students and Post-docs Seminars (SAPS)
Students and Post-doc Seminars is a weekly seminar series with topics that include career planning, professional development, dissertation writing, and intellectual property rights. SAPS presentations are often interactive and help create a more inclusive and thoughtful community.
What’s Eating My Plants (WEMP)
- Website
- Contact Form
- Social Media:
Twitter, FB, & Instagram: @wemp_uw
WEMP was founded in 2010 by plant pathology graduate students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Our mission is to foster the Wisconsin Idea by increasing scientific accessibility and literacy through plant science outreach. We participate in community events around Madison, WI at least twice a month and partner with organizations aimed at serving underserved communities and underrepresented K-12 students.
We are completely student-led and rely on a team of dedicated and passionate volunteers. WEMP meets regularly to plan, develop, and organize outreach materials.
Additional Information
- Overview – describes reasons to choose our department
- Applications & Curriculum – application materials, deadlines, curriculum overview
- Courses – list of when classes are scheduled to be held (Course Rotation Schedule), current list of Plant Pathology courses
- Funding – links to info on stipends, international applicant financial info, and the Grad School’s list of external fellowships scholarships
- Handbooks & Forms – MS and PhD handbooks; various MS and PhD academic forms
- Grad Student Orgs – lists graduate student organizations in the department