Vision, Values, and Goals
Our Vision
To be a World leader in research, teaching, and extension involving plant health, while serving the changing needs of society, the environment, and the University.
Our Shared Values
- Our collective success depends upon creating and maintaining a supportive and collegial environment.
- Our effectiveness as a Department depends on accepting and utilizing diversity in work style, expertise, skills, personality, and outlook.
- Our ability to solve multifaceted problems requires contributions from, and mutual respect among, our research, teaching, and extension teams.
- Our ability to establish and to preserve excellence at the forefront of our changing field depends on innovation, creativity, risk-taking, and growth.
Our Shared Goals
- Our research goal is to understand microbes, plants, and their interactions in the environment in order to provide effective approaches by which plant diseases can be controlled and beneficial interactions can be maximized.
- Our instructional goals are to offer superior education in plant pathology and plant-microbe interactions and to broaden the perspectives of plant biology in undergraduate, graduate, and public education.
- Our extension and outreach goals are to integrate and extend knowledge and provide services that foster an understanding of plant diseases and that enhance plant health, food safety, a profitable and sustainable agriculture, and stewardship of the environment.