Begin Page 1. Photo of the Russell Labs building with a photo of L.R. Jones superimposed over it. The Wisconsin Pathogen December 1964 Begin Page 2. Lewis Ralph Jones 1864 – 1945 The theme of the Pathogen for 1964 is marked by the 100th anniversary of the birth year of Lewis Ralph Jones. The foresight with which the Dean of the Agricultural College, H. L. Russell, lured Professor Jones away from the University of Vermont in 1909 to initiate a Department of Plant Pathology at Wisconsin needs little justification. A native of Brandon, Wisconsin, Professor Jones attended Ripon College from 1883-1886, and Obtained a Ph.B. degree from the University of Michigan in 1889. He taught at Mount Morris Academy in Illinois in.1887-1888, and then accepted a position at the University of Vermont with the Agricultural Experiment Station in 1889. He Spent the next 20 years at Vermont where, during leaves of absence, he acquired a Ph.D. from Michigan in 190%, and also traveled in Europe under the affiliation of the United States Department of Agriculture. It was at Michigan that he became acquainted with Erwin F. Smith, an early pioneer in plant pathology and microbiology, who was then a graduate student. His research work at Vermont centered around adaptation of Bordeaux mixture for use in America, bacterial soft rot of vegetables and potato diseases. In 1909, Dr. Jones came to the University of Wisconsin to found its Department of Plant Pathology. The newly created position was not received with harmonious response within the university, but the steadfast attitude of Dr. Russell overcame this. Dr. Jones' leadership and research was centered mainly on disease resistance in crucifers and the influence of environment on plant disease expression. Perhaps his most substantial contribution was the development of students who played an instrumental part in the formulation and impetus of the science of plant pathology. Among his students are included J. C. Gilman, J. C. Walker, C. R. Orton, I. E. Melhus, G. W. Keitt, R. E. Vaughn, J. G. Dickson, and A. J. Biker. The highlights of Professor Jones' career are probably best expressed by a letter written by himself at the request of the Secretary of Agriculture in 1937. Since his career began during the formulative stages of the United States Department of Agriculture, the state agricultural stations and the state colleges and universities, he regarded his contribution as dealing with "the thrills of pioneering" and put them into three categories: "First, the demonstrations at the Vermont Station, climaxed in 1892, of the efficiency of Bordeaux mixture in the control of the highly destructive leaf blight and tuber rot of potato; convincing evidence of the temporary or seasonal mastery of such diseases by fungicides. Perhaps the immediate psychological effect of such a demonstration at that stage in the history of the Experiment Station was quite as significant as the economic. "Second, the demonstrations at the Wisconsin Station, climaxed in 1914, of the efficiency of disease resisting strains in the control of the highly destructive Fusarium (yellows) disease of cabbage and related crucifers; significant evidence of man's potentially permanent mastery of many such plant diseases by plant selection and breeding. The immediate effect was a remarkable End Page 2. Begin Page 3. stabilization of this crop culture which has not since weakened. But much more significant has been the resulting stimulation of efforts in securing similar disease resistance with other crop plants and in the more fundamental work upon the nature of such resistance and the laws governing its inheritance. "Third, the even more enduring satisfactions of a teacher whose students at both institutions have aided in these and all other like efforts in advancing the understanding of the nature and control of plant diseases. Since many of these passed through graduate courses into professional services, state or federal, in this country and in corresponding relations in other lands, the significance of their combined influence in the advancement of agricultural science far outweighs any individual accomplishments." Professor Jones was one of the founders and the first President of the American Phytopathological Society and the first Editor of Phytopathology. He served as President of the Botanical Society of America, and as Editor of the American Journal of Botany. He was a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and had honorary memberships in the four leading societies of his profession in foreign countries. He was a trustee of the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research and a Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Tropical Plant Research Foundation. He was a member of the Science Advisory Board appointed by President Roosevelt and a Chairman of the Division of Biology and Agriculture of the National Research Council. Honorary degrees of Doctor of Science were conferred upon him by the University of Vermont (1910), University of Cambridge (1930), and the University of Wisconsin (1936), and a degree of Doctor of Laws by the University of Michigan in 1935. Dr. Jones early recognized that a strong research program was the central means by which to build the Department of Plant Pathology and to meet the more practical needs of agriculture within the state. The integrating support he maintained with the various federal and state agencies did much to formulate good will and cooperation. He was not beneath accepting the advice and years of experience of the farmers in cultural practices and incorporating their knowledge into seeking answers to disease problems. Professor Lewis Ralph Jones stimulated the science of plant pathology to worldwide recognition. Lewis Ralph Jones Centennial Celebration December 5, 1964 J. Rennie Stavely Lewis Ralph Jones, founder of Wisconsin's Department of Plant Pathology was born at Brandon, Wisconsin, December 5, 186h. On December 5, 1964, the personnel and friends of our department gathered in the first floor of the new H. L. Russell Laboratories for a centennial celebration. In so doing, we honored the man whose efforts were responsible for getting us on the road leading to wide recognition of Wisconsin's excellence in phytopathology. The L. R. Jones Centennial was a fitting occasion for the first formal function in the building. End Page 3. Begin Page 4. The celebration, attended by about 200 persons, started at 3:30 P.M. with a tea and social hour followed by a formal program, ending at 6:00 P.M. On display during the tea were bound volumes of Jones' and his student’s publications until 1926, a book containing pictures of his students, and other interesting possessions. Tea was poured by Miss Eloise Gerry, Mrs. F. R. Jones, Mrs. Russell Larson, and Mrs. Gus Rieman. The formal program began with comments by Dr. J. C. walker on the family origins, education, early career, and some of Walker's personal memories of L. R. Jones. Dr. Walker read messages from G. W. Keitt, John Brann, and George Peltier, all regretting their absence and emphasizing their memories of Jones' fine qualities in teaching and research. Outstanding Jones traits listed by Walker were modesty, friendliness, a sympathetic attitude, and personal warmth. Following Walker's introduction was a review of the history of the Department of Plant Pathology from Jones' arrival in 1910 until the present. The script was presented by Professors Hagedorn, Kuntz, Moore and Patton and Mrs. J. C. Walker. The text was illustrated with approximately 190 slides and a movie filmed in 1930. The audience showed amusement with several pictures. Particularly interesting were early pictures of Dickson, James Johnson, Jones, Keitt, Biker, and Walker, Jones' first laboratories, the first plant pathology greenhouses, and the first experiments on the effects of soil temperature on disease development. Interesting parts of the 1930 film were campus pictures and several pictures in the greenhouses showing Drs. Hoggan, Happe, Johnson, Jones, Keitt, Biker, Vaughan and Walker. mrs. walker read the citation given L. R. Jones in 1936 upon presentation of an honorary Doctorate of Science degree by Wisconsin. The pictures were concluded with an interesting series taken by Mr. Eugene Herrling showing the new building at various stages in construction. At pertinent points in the program Dr. Walker introduced Mrs. F. R. Jones, Al Steinmetz, Noble Clark, and L. R. Jones' niece, Mrs. H. C. Neitman. Following the historical review, Chairman J. E. Mitchell said a few words about our role in perpetuating the Wisconsin tradition of excellence in phytopathology. Some of the notable guests present included Dean of Agriculture, Glenn S. Pound, and Departmental Chairmen R. H. Burris (Biochemistry, 0. B. Combs (Horticulture), D. C. Smith (Agronomy), and J. F. Stauffer (Botany). Other administrative officers and staff present from outside Russell Laboratories included Henry Ahlgren, P. J. Allen, M. P. Backus, A. D. Dickson, Emma L. Fisk, V. E. Kivlin, Mrs. John Kreissler, Robert Muckenhirn, William Ogden, Ted Scheffer, H. L. Shands and R. G. Shands, M. A. Btahman, and J. H. Torrie. Lewis Ralph Jones Centennial Celebration Introduction Professor John Charles Walker We are here today to commemorate the birth of Lewis Ralph Jones 100 years ago. This is not the first time members of this department have celebrated this birthday. It was a few days more than fifty years ago that Professor A. G. Johnson, whom you will hear about a little later, came to me while I was working on a report of some kind in the departmental Library, which occupied the space recently vacated by Professors Kuntz, Patton, Wade, and Worf. He End Page 4. Begin Page 5. said Professor Jones' 50th birthday was coming up in the next few days and a surprise party was being planned for him at seminar which would be held in that room on December S. This was the beginning of an annual surprise birthday party for our beloved leader, who eventually began to expect something to happen on December 5. My function here is not to steal the show but merely to welcome you all to this Centennial Celebration and to make a few introductory remarks about the man whom we are honoring today. Before proceeding further, I should like to read you a message from Professor Keitt dictated over the phone to Audrey Dunlap yesterday: “Please give my most cordial greetings to the Colloquium Committee of the Department and to the guests at the Commemoration of the Centennial of Professor Jones' birthday. I regret that circumstances prevent my accepting the very kind invitation to be present and participate. I think this is a most fitting tribute to one who contributed so greatly to the founding and early development and broadly to the advancement of science and education. I hope that those who participate in the further development of the department will long remember and continue the high standards he set and the zealous, devoted, and humane spirit he brought to its founding and early development. Professor Jones' father was a native of the borderland of England and Wales who with his family moved to Kenosha County, Wisconsin in 1842. I do not know Just how they reached this part of the wilderness, since there were no railroads nor interstate highways. In all probability they came by sailboat to New York, canal boat to Buffalo and again by sailboat to Kenosha whence they walked inward until they reached their land claim. This was the real frontier where rattlesnakes and Indians were gradually receding before the advancing white man from New England and Europe. Abraham Lincoln was 33 years old and was then known in this area as the Captain of Volunteers who led his company against Chief Blackhawk who retreated across the very spot where we are now assembled. As the frontier was being pushed back there was built a line of forts from Green Bay to Prairie du Chien to protect the settlers. Some evidence of those forts still remain at Green Bay, Portage, Tower Hill and Prairie du Chien, and in these from time to time served some future greats such as General Zachery Taylor, later President, and even Jefferson Davis who eloped with the General’s daughter. By this time, young David Jones was past his teens and in the adventurous spirit of the day decided to move on to better and cheaper lands. It was thus that he happened to venture near to the frontier in Fond du Lee County. Europeans were not the only ones on the move. Eastern Yankees were also restless and so it happened that into the same locality there came a group of Vermont Yankees. Among them was one Lucy Jane Knapp who become the local school teacher. About this time, railroad expansion was in the air and the people about learned that the road might come their way. They also reasoned End Page 5. Begin Page 6. that if their locality had a name, they might get a station, a post office and really be on the map. In one of the community discussions, the question came up as to a name for this station. More is where the Welsh lost out and the Yankees won. One of the latter made a motion that since so many of them had come from Brandon, Vermont, it would be appropriate to call this Brandon, Wisconsin. Before the Welsh caught their breaths, the motion passed. This is how it happened that Lewis Ralph Jones was born at Brandon, Wisconsin, and not at Carnarvon or Aberystwyth, Wisconsin. In 1856 David Jones married Lucy Jane Knapp. Ralph was the third of six children. He attended the local schools including the new high School at Brandon. Ripon College was a few miles away, and he naturally matriculated there. This was a pioneer Congregational College where he studied chemistry and biology under C. Dwight Marsh who encouraged him to transfer to the University of Michigan two years later. This he did about 1886. After a year there, he dropped out to teach for two years at Mount Morris Academy in Illinois. While he went to Michigan with the intent of studying medicine, by the time he returned he had decided to change his major to botany under Volney M. Spalding. Thus, when he completed his Ph.B. degree in 1889, he was fortunate in getting a job back in his mother‘s home state of Vermont. His first title was Instructor in Natural History and Botanist of the Vermont Experiment Station. Here he remained for 20 years until he returned to found this department in 1910, at the age of 15. Since you are going to hear an account of many of the happenings here since 1910, I will take a few moments to comment on Professor Jones at Vermont. The University of Vermont is like the University of Wisconsin, a Land Grant Institution. As elsewhere, an Agricultural Experiment Station had been established just before 1890. Jones' duties thus consisted of not only teaching botany, but attending to all the calls from farmers which related to his field. Vermont, a potato-growing state, was an ideal environment for late blight. This one disease was enough to keep a young man busy. He did introduce the new Bordeaux mixture to Vermont farmers. Vermont is also the maple syrup state. He initiated some fundamental studies on sap flow. Vermont also had forests. He organized the Vermont Forestry Association. The L. R. Jones State Forest is a perpetual tribute to his leadership in this area. Along with these duties, he found time to continue his graduate work, mostly in absentia, but with occasional leave semesters either at Ann Arbor or with Erwin F. Smith in Washington. Mrs. Jones, who was a Ripon classmate and whom he married in 1890, told me once that 1904 was Ralph‘s big year. He took his doctorate (now at no years of age) at Ann Arbor, bought a house, and went to Europe. All these in one year. By this time he had guided a number of graduate students to the master's degree and many of these became prominent in our profession. Some followed him to Wisconsin to complete their doctorate. Vermonter pathologists in this list are H. A. Orton, H. A. Edson, X. J. Morse, A. H. Gilbert, w. w. Gilbert, Parley Spaulding, R. E. Vaughan, and C. R. Orton. Among his lady students there were Anna Mae Clark, his second wife, and Grace Goodhue who became Mrs. Calvin Coolidge later. Orton's success in developing wilt-resistant cotton undoubtedly had a profound effect on Jones' thinking. After more than a decade of wrestling with late blight, he was convinced that the only permanent solution was the End Page 6. Begin Page 7. development of late blight resistant varieties. When he went to Europe in 1904, he carried a commission from the USDA to study this matter and collect any promising material for the potato breeding project which was in the process of being transferred from Vermont to Washington under the leadership of his colleague William Stuart. Thus, when L. R. Jones came to Wisconsin in 1910 he was in prime mid-life an inspired and devoted plant pathologist, and possessed of some very definite ideas for the future which he promoted and clung to tenaciously for the rest of his life. Some of these ideas I can only state briefly as follows: 1. The time was ripe to develop sound graduate training leading to the doctorate in plant pathology. 2. A sound training in plant pathology could not be accomplished without insistence on sound bases in botany, especially mycology and physiology, as well as other plant sciences. 3. The era of descriptive plant pathology had passed its peak and the future of the science lay in other emphases. 4. One unexplored field was disease resistance, its nature and heredity. 5. Another area needing increased attention was the physiology of disease. He realized that it was futile to push back the entire frontier at once. Rather he philosophized that it was prudent to concentrate the attack on weak points in the armament. He chose a study of environment as an approach to physiology of disease, but he recognized that even this was too big a bite for the first mouthful. It was thus that he looked upon root invaders and soil temperature as the weak spot at which to attack and concentrate, and in the story which follows you may be able to discern the battle plan and the results. In a moment we will turn to a revised and updated version of a history of this department which was presented at Green Lake, Wisconsin in 1960 when this department celebrated its 50th anniversary. Before we do this, I should like to say a word about Professor Jones himself. In the slides and film which follow you will see him as of medium height, slight stature, modest, semiretiring, friendly and sympathetic. When you see his smile in the movie you can scarce escape the warmth of the man. Everyone not only admired him, they loved him. His greatness carried him to important councils on the campus and in the nation. He became a world figure. I can best illustrate what I am trying to say by reading from letters which came in yesterday from two former students who could not be here today. "His strong character, sound judgment and deep interest and enthusiasm for all things always commanded respect. "When one was down in spirit as sometimes was the case in those early days, a visit with him brought forth a ‘new look' as it were, and a desire to drive on with renewed vigor. "It is most rewarding to have been associated with this great leader, with his teaching, research and administration in a field so important to the economic welfare of our nation." John W. Brann End Page 7. Begin Page 8. "To me Professor (not Dr. as in those days Professor was a more honored title than Doctor) Jones always reminded me of Abe Lincoln, without a heard, in that he was to me a rather lanky, thin, somewhat steeped individual, with eyes that were kind but sparkling. In speech he was slow and deliberate, with a slight Vermont accent. To me he was always a rare and great individual." George L. Peltier The following article of historical interest is reprinted from an unknown source, dated around 1908. The clipping was found in a scrapbook loaned to us by Mrs. H. C. Neitman of Waupun, Wisconsin, the niece of L. R. Jones. Her father, Frank Jones, Professor Jones' older brother, and her mother, made the scrapbook. David Jones, about whom the article is written, was the father of L. R. Jones. The certificate of award for cats, which David Jones received at the St. Louis Exposition, and which is mentioned in the article, is in the possession of the department. How Science is Applied "'Old men plant trees' is a wise saw which has come down to us from antiquity. Naturally we expect young men to be hopeful and to make plans for the long future. As a matter of fact, we often find the older men taking the steadier and more far-seeing course. "These observations are suggested by some interesting facts recently brought to our notice relative to some oat experiments carried on by Mr. David Jones, who settled in southern Wisconsin in 1850 on the farm which he still owns. He has been a progressive and enlightened farmer throughout his life, and although devoted to the dairy industry has been especially interested in grain growing. He is now 80 years old. “During the last 10 years, Mr. Jones has turned the active management of his farm over to younger hands. Meanwhile he has devoted a portion of his leisure to the testing of promising varieties of grain. He has worked with many varieties of oats, wheat and barley, but his most interesting experiments have been with oats. During the earlier years of his experiments he found most promising results from a Russian variety sent him from the Ontario Experiment Farm at Guelph. In 1899, he secured from M. A. Carlton, a cerealist of the United States Department of Agriculture, 36 kernels of the Swedish Select variety then just being introduced for trial in this country. Of these 36 kernels, 33 germinated, and at autumn Mr. Jones harvested 1 3/4 pounds of grain. From the outset this variety appealed to Mr. Jones's judgment as being of superior quality, so that for three years he continued to save and sow the entire product. The increase was as follows: From the 33 kernels there were harvested 1 3/4 pounds in 1899; from this seed one bushel was harvested in 1900; this in turn gave ho bushels in 1901. In 1902 the field-testing of the variety began in earnest,35 bushels being sown On 12 acres. The yield in 1902 was 900 measured bushels, weighing an even ho pounds to the bushel. Reckoning this by weight, as oats are usually sold, the yield would be 1125 bushels from 12 acres-over 93 bushels an acre. End Page 8. Begin Page 9. "This grain had proved so far superior to that generally known in the neighborhood that neighboring fanners were eager for a start of the seed, so that it was an easy matter to distribute in the Spring of 1903 all that Mr. Jones himself did not need. While it is not possible to get exact figures, it is conservatively estimated that in 1903 over 20,000 bushels of this Swedish Select oat were grown in that neighborhood. Since that time, it has largely superseded all other varieties in that section and has also been successfully introduced into other parts of Wisconsin. "The superior quality of this variety is further evidenced by the fact that Mr. Jones was awarded a medal for a sample exhibited by him at the St. Louis Exposition. This work-has been carried on, not for profit, but solely out of Mr. Jones‘s personal interest in the work. "In later years he has been testing other varieties of oats from England and Siberia and from the United States Department of Agriculture, and has compared them carefully with this Swedish Select. He has found the Sixty Day oat, recently distributed by the Department of Agriculture, a remarkably early variety, as its name suggests. He finds it to ripen as early as barley, and fully two weeks earlier than most varieties of oats. It is a small, heavy grain and is less subject to rust than the later varieties. It should therefore be better suited to low, cold soils, though it does not yield so well as the Swedish Select and other late varieties on good upland. "The accompanying photograph shows Mr. Jones on July 30 of the current year cutting a swath around his plat of Sixty Day oats preparatory to harvesting. He swung his scythe with as steady and broad a stroke as would be expected of a man of half his years. (Signed) F. A. W. "Underneath this clipping Frank Jones had written, "Father Jones experimented with wheat in the early '70‘s to find out the proper depth to sow it. He had a small patch planted in rows ½” – 1 - 1 1/2” and 2" deep to find out the right depth to sow it to get best results. Ralph inherited his experimental tendency from his father." End Page 9. Begin Page 10. A Tour of the H. L. Russell Laboratories Robert F. Patton No-the Department of Plant Pathology is not in that old building any longer. It's now in that eight-story tower diagonally across the street at the corner of Linden Avenue and Babcock Drive. All of it? Oh, no, we are in the east tower; Entomology is in the similar tower on the north, and Forestry and Wildlife Management share the 2-story wing which extends out to the west. Yes, I'd be glad to show you through, if you‘d like to take a few minutes. Let's enter the lobby through the main entrance on Linden Avenue. Those are display cases on the wall for exhibits. To our right is the large lecture room, and across the hall the teaching lab with its accessory media prep, incubation and specimen storage rooms. Where are the students, you say? Well, they're in the old Pathologium working on an exercise with plants. Yes, it is difficult being separated from teaching greenhouse facilities, but perhaps we can learn to use, in their stead, the plant propagation rooms in the basement. The elevators will take us to the Plant Pathology Office on the second floor. As we enter the reception area, Miss Dunlap is hidden in her private office to the right, the chairman's office dead ahead is guarded by Bonnie, the receptionist, and the rest of the secretaries are in the large room on the left with the low glass partitions. Yes, that's Gene Herrling's photography and drafting set-up across the hall. I don't see him-he's probably bushed in one of his dark rooms. Or perhaps he misses the cooing of the pigeons in his old attic and is out feeding the birds! The private offices and staff research labs like these for Professors Williams and Walker are typical of others throughout the building. On the third floor we find the laboratories for Professor Hildebrandt's tissue culture program, and across the hall is Space for forest pathology research and offices for Professors Barbee, Kuntz, and Patton. That smell? Oh, that's Mrs. Hauser making FDA in the general media prep room here on the fourth floor. You can just barely see Minnie there in that cloud of steam, running trays of petri dishes through the automatic dishwasher! And how's this for a well-organized stock room-why more than two people can enter at once! The nematologists have their quarters on the north side of the hall with a series of interconnecting labs. When our new compact stacks arrive, our library here on five will have considerable room for expansion. The librarian's separate office beyond this glass partition will hush the typewriter clatter but still allow her surveillance of the room. And one of our showplaces will be the Conference Room on the southeast corner of this floor. This is being luxuriously furnished, carpeted, and paneled with veneer cut from the famous Andrew Jackson oak, all as a memorial by Professor Biker to his late wife, Helen. Across the hall, Profcssor Hagedorn can‘t see his beloved western mountains, but the view of lake Mendota is superb. On six, a twin facility is occupied for the mycological investigations of Professors Boone and Smalley. Also, on this floor can sometimes be found Professors Moore and Mitchell, when the latter is not shuffling papers in the Chairman‘s Office. End Page 10. Page 11. Special facilities for histology and shake culture and incubator rooms are here on seven. Here, too, you'll find Paul Hoppe, and Professors Arny, Durbin, and Hanson. The electron microscope may find a home on this floor. Now, on the eighth-here, let me adjust your oxygen mask for you-two large labs, one for virus research, the other for disease physiology studies. Professors Fulton and Sequeira reign supreme in this rarified atmosphere. We-e-e—l-l, yes, I know we haven't seen any grad students yet-perhaps they are all down in the coffee room in one of the basement rooms. The coffee, and easy chairs they brought in, seem to be quite an attraction! Let's go down now to the catacombs, and if I can find my way around, I'll show you the controlled environment growth rooms, plant propagation rooms, dew chambers, Spray and weathering rooms, nematode recovery lab (though I've never seen any recover yet from the rigamorale Barker puts them through), a workshop (still to be equipped), a maze of laboratories for soil microbiology studies, including soil bins and a potting room, and somewhere off another hallway a series of walk-in cold storage rooms-I'll bet there are rooms down here that even the architect doesn‘t know about! Well, that's the tour-all we must do now is learn to make full use of these remarkable facilities. We think they are wonderful, and we'll be happy to see you again when you can return for another visit. H.L. Russell, A Man with a Vision of Agriculture Paul H. Williams Russell Laboratories bear the name of the man who, perhaps more than any other, was reaponsible for this Department of Plant Pathology at Wisconsin. A native of Poynette, Wisconsin, born in 1866, Harry L. Russell graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1890. For the next year, this energetic young man traveled through Europe studying first at the Berlin laboratories of Robert Koch, then in the famous Paris Institute of Louis Pasteur, and finally at the Naples Zoological Station. At Naples, Russell studied marine bacteria, and here it was that he developed his philosophy that if bacteriology were to become of real service to man, it must develop independently and not Just as an adjunct to the medical Sciences. On his return to the United States, Russell went to Johns Hepkins University and was the first in this country to receive a Ph.D. on the study of bacteria. In 1893, Russell began his productive career at Wisconsin as becteriologist of the Agricultural Experiment Station. In his 1" years as bacteriologist, H. L. Russell made many fundamental contributions in the bacteriology of vegetable canning, animal immunization, cheese making and plant pathology. Of particular interest to us is his classical study in 1898 on the black rot disease of cabbage. Russell's horizons were broad and his energies tireless. He was a leader in the fight for pasteurizathuiof milk and dairy products. In 1907, Russell was appointed Dean of the College of Agriculture, and it was in this capacity that he was End Page 11. Begin Page 12. most directly responsible for the beginning of the Department of Plant Pathology. His dedication to the belief that problems in agricultural production must be tackled on a sound scientific basis certainly led to the appointment of L. R. Jones as professor of plant pathology at Wisconsin in 1910. Such were the beginnings of our department. Dean Russell continued as head of the College of Agriculture until his retirement in 1930. It was through his leadership that fundamental principles which directed Wisconsin to the forefront of scientific agriculture were developed. It is, indeed, fitting that such a memorial as Russell Laboratories be named for him. Glenn S. Pound is New Agriculture Dean "Professor Glenn S. Pound has been appointed Dean of the College of Agriculture following the resignation, for personal reasons, of R. K. Froker, who had been Dean since 1948. “In commenting on the picking of a new Dean, President Harrington noted that there were many faculty members in the College of Agriculture as well as people outside the campus who were qualified for the important position. "We have received many communications supporting and Opposing particular candidates," he explained and then went on to emphasize the fact that "There can be no other course than to have a strong College of Agriculture in this University. We want the strongest possible leadership...Glenn Pound represents our future research, teaching, and outreach needs." “Professor Pound is a widely-known researcher in plant pathology who has traveled extensively throughout the world to study agricultural research and institutional organizations. His appointment, which took effect September 1, includes the titles Dean of the College of Agriculture, Director of the Experiment Station, and Acting Director of the Cooperative Extension Service. "The new Dean came to Wisconsin in l940 as a graduate student and received his Ph.D. here in 1943 in plant pathology and botany. From 1943 to 1946 he was an associate pathologist with the United States Department of Agriculture in Washington where he worked on vegetable seed production as a part of the war effort. "Professor Pound returned to Wisconsin in l9h6 as an assistant professor of plant pathology, was named associate professor in 1946, and full professor in 1953. He became chairman of the department in 1954. He has held a number of key positions at the University and in national associations in the biological sciences. "Dr. Pound has authored more than 100 research papers. His studies have concerned virus multiplication in plants, particularly the effect of factors of host environment (such as nutrition, temperature, and light) on virus synthesis in plants. He has studied virus diseases of cabbage; developed a radish variety named Red Prince that resists fusarium wilt; and developed three Spinach varieties that do not bolt in hot weather and resist blue mold. His present program in cabbage breeding has several disease-resistant cabbage hybrids ready for release to the seed trade. End Page 12. Begin Page 13. "He has taught a course in Plant Pathology Principles for graduate students at Wisconsin for 16 years and has also taught a course in Plant Virology. "As Chairman of the Department of Plant Pathology, Professor Pound has directed one of the larger departments in the College of Agriculture. In recent months, he has participated in planning of the University's new $4.7 million Harry L. Russell Laboratories which is occupied by plant pathology and three other departments. "Dr. Pound has been a member of the Board of Consultants of Agricultural Programs of the Rockefeller Foundation since 1961. In this position, he has traveled widely in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia to evaluate agricultural research programs and institutions of higher learning. "In May of this year he was chief of party for a team of University of Wisconsin agricultural specialists who evaluated agricultural education programs in western Nigeria for the U. 8. Agency for International Development. "Throughout his association with the university, Dr. Pound has taken an active part in Madison civic and church affairs. "There was praise for Dean Froker as he ended his 16-year career. The Regents expressed their gratitude for Froker's administration of the College of Agriculture and his contributions to research, specifically in the development of sterile concentrated milk. "Vice President Robert Clodius, himself a member of the agriculture faculty for many years, noted that, "in a quiet way", Dean Froker has made many changes in the Ag. School. These involve the relocation of many of the research activities of the College to the Arlington Farms in the northeast corner of Dane County, the periodic rotation of department chairmen, the sale of the Hill Farms for commercial benefit to the University, and a major curriculum reform.” The preceding article has been taken from the October, 1964, issue of the Wisconsin Alumnus with permission from the Editor. The Chairman Speaks It is unlikely that any department has undergone the traumatic changes that have been effected in this group during the last few months. There had been little doubt in the minds of many of us that Dr. Pound would ultimately leave the department to apply his great talents to broader problems in Agriculture than those of the single discipline of plant pathology. We are, indeed, fortunate that he is now "our" Dean and that-we will continue to have his active support and encouragement. With all due deliberation, but little delay, the department moved unanimously to invite Dr. Arthur Kelman to join the department and to be departmental chairman. This he has agreed to do and will join the group in June of 1965. The entire department must be commended for the efficiency of the trek to the northwest into the new quarters. Frustrating delays in completion of construction delayed the move until students had to attend classes and staff had to prepare and present lectures as the move progressed. End Page 13. Begin Page 14. The precipitous departure (three weeks notice) of Dr. Barbee for Nigeria to take part in this new venture of the College of Agriculture also occurred during this period. Two major shifts in teaching responsibilities were necessitated by these departures from the department. Dr. Sequeira assumed the full (and an increased) lecture load in Plant Pathology 701 and Dr. Earle Hanson joined Dr. James Kuntz in lecture and laboratory for Plant Pathology 300. One could not help but be proud to be part of a group that took all this in stride and, as one who was entirely dependent on this cooperation, I can but express my heartfelt appreciation to everyone involved. John E. Mitchell The Plant Pathology Colloquim Ed Thomas, General Chmn. The fourth colloquium assumed its responsibilities in June at a time when the department was about to move into new quarters in Russell Laboratories. As originally set forth by the first council, its purposes remain: 1. To form a closer liaison between students and faculty; 2. To provide information of developments within the department; 3. To provide general information about plant pathology as a profession, and h to establish a forum for the free interchange of ideas. The Colloquium Council consists of six elected student members and a faculty member. Close association among students and staff and free-flowing interchange of ideas have been hallmarks of plant pathology at Wisconsin. The colloquium has been determined to maintain these qualities in the new building despite the physical dispersion and stratification present there as compared with the old building. To meet this objective, the colloquium has sponsored: l. The establishment of a Common Room where coffee and tea are available at all times, and in which old contacts can be maintained and new contacts made in an informal, relaxed atmosphere. 2. Volley ball play at noon on Mondays and Fridays during the spring and fall. 3. An informal discussion hour on alternate Tuesday noons at which research programs within the department are discussed, and in which ideas for the solution of problems are exchanged. The colloquium has also initiated an organized effort to record and preserve highlights of department activity as they occur and to gather what we can from the past. We are primarily interested in photographs, motion pictures, and tape recordings involving people of the department. Pictures were taken of professors and facilities in the old building during the summer prior to the move, and plans for taking group pictures hays been made. Tape recording of special lectures, such as the one given by Professor Walker on "The Early Days of Plant Pathology at Wisconsin" at the first colloquium meeting of 1963, are being gathered. End Page 14. Begin Page 15. Colloquium activities of the past have been continued. Summer field trips dealing with plant disease problems were Sponsored; colloquium meetings are being held on alternate Wednesday evenings and occasional Tuesday noons; a set of colored slides depicting field crop diseases is being prepared for distribution this year; and the Wisconsin Pathogen has been published. Our hope for the future of the Colloquium is that it will continue, as it has from the beginning, to represent the best efforts of the students to make Wisconsin a continually better place to study and do research in plant pathology. Present Membmers of the Colloquim Council Ed Thomas, General Chairman Howard Harding, Literature Review Millicent Kalil, Publicity and Wisconsin Pathogen Ramesh Maheshwari, Treasurer and Refreshments Ralph Phelps, Secretary Fred Saettler, Program Chairman Professor Luis Sequeira, Faculty Adviser Field Trip to Wisconsin Rapids James O. Strandberg Who says you can't mix business and pleasure? Just ask anyone who went along on the overnight field trip this past summer. They‘d tell you that it had indeed been done on August 14 and 15. In case you didn't know it, our Colloquium Council has sponsored two of these trips so far, and they are sure to become an annual function here at Wisconsin. last year, for example, we went to Sturgeon Bay for a look at one of our fruit producing areas-but let me tell you about this year. We left Madison early on Friday morning. Our destination was the Wisconsin Rapids area where we hoped to learn something about diseases of forest trees. Dr. Patton was waiting at the Forest Disease Laboratory facilities where we arrived Just in time for a picnic lunch. Dr. Patton, assisted by students working at the laboratory, conducted a very interesting tour of the area, pointing out some of the disease problems encountered in forest tree production. We visited several plantations and research areas including the one where breeding for resistance to white pine blister rust was under way. Next came a tour of the State Forest Nursery at Wisconsin Rapids with Drs. Berbee and Patton pointing out items of interest, and Mr. W. H. Brenner, the State Superintendent, explaining the Operations of the nursery. Several people wanted to see a paper mill and our gracious hosts arranged a special last-minute tour of one of the local plants. Fringe benefits for Friday included swimming and a picnic supper on near-by Nepco Lake, and for those so inclined, a tour of Wisconsin Rapids at night. End Page 15. Begin Page 16. Those who continued the excursion found very satisfactory sleeping accommodations at the Forestry Research Station, and bright and early Saturday morning we were on our way to the Potato Seed Certification Faun at Three Lakes. We arrived there early in the afternoon and were met by Dr. Darling who proceeded to give us an excellent tour of the farm. After much discussion of potato disease problems, we reluctantly climbed back into the cars for the 235 mile trip home. We saw some practical aspects of our profession firsthand, and we saw a lot of this fine state of Wisconsin, but best of all we had a darn good time. Let's all plan to go next summer! Editor’s Notes Last summer the Colloquium Council decided that one of its functions should be to start a movement to preserve the history of the department. Many pictures of historical interest were then hanging in the second floor corridor of the Horticulture Building, but the practice of taking pictures of the building, students and professors in the laboratory, and so forth, had apparently been discontinued around 1958. In view of the fact that we were scheduled to move to the new Russell Laboratories in September, we decided to take a few snapshots of the building and the students and staff before the move was made. This we did, but not without some difficulty. P. E. (Ed) Thomas and I went to Mr. Eugene Herrling, our photographer, and asked for a camera, some film and a complete set of instructions. No one could have been more helpful and considerate than Gene. He showed us what to do and we wrote it all down, and then the trouble began. One of our most spectacular failures was the photograph of Miss Audrey Dunlap, our head secretary, and Miss Carol Hollangk, one of her assistants. We went down to their office, set up the camera and snapped their pictures, following instructions down to the last detail. then we developed it, we had a beautiful picture of the office, but no Audrey and Carol. The question is still unsolved: Where did Audrey and Carol go? We saved that lovely picture of the main office, but we also took another photograph of Audrey and Carol. We have a fairly good set of negatives now, but we decided we would like to fill in some of the past history of the department. So if you, the alumnae, staff or friends of the department have photographs or negatives that you would like to donate to the Colloquium file, we would be happy to have them. Send them in care of the Colloquium Council, Department of Plant Pathology, Russell Laboratories. We hope to be able to store them in a central file accessible to anyone who is interested. ********** One Saturday morning in October, I decided to drive up to Brandon and see if I could learn anything of L. R. Jones or his family. I arrived there about ten o'clock in the morning and stopped for a cup of coffee at the cafe on the main street of Brandon (population of 758) while I contemplated the next move. I decided to drive over to the cemetery and see the place where Dr. Jones was laid to rest. The cemetery is at the top of a small hill and is marked by an arch over the entrance which has the inscription "Brandon Cemetery" in white letters. It is a small, very well kept place with a little house to keep the caretaker‘s equipment. I started walking up and down the rows and evidently had started in the right place for I found it very quickly. The family plot is marked by a large monument which says simply, Jones. On one side of the monument is an End Page 16. Begin Page 17. arborvitae and on the other side a green cement vase containing red geraniums, coleus and other plants. A beautiful blue Spruce hangs over the gravestones which are small blocks of granite with the inscriptions in raised letters. I found here what I had been hoping for. The marker erected to J. E. Jones had no death date marked on it. After taking a few photographs, I returned to Brandon and looked up J. E. Jones in the telephone directory. Finding that he lived on Bowen Street, and not wishing to disturb him at that time, I returned to Madison. I told the story to Ed Thomas, the Colloquium Council Chairman, and Fred Saettler, another of the Council members, and we decided to return to Brandon the following week to try to interview Mr. Jones. When we arrived in Brandon the following Saturday morning, we stoppcd at a local garage and asked directions to his house. Everyone we spoke with, then and later, knew and liked Ed Jones. Mr. J. Edwin Jones lives in an attractive yellow house on Bowen Street next to the corner and one block east of the cemetery. We knocked on the door and Mr. Jones invited us in immediately. He explained who we were and he said he would be happy to talk with us. Mr. Jones, 88 years old, is a retired insurance salesman. Hanging on the wall behind his chair is a plaque commemorating an award given to him by the Hartford Insurance Company, the company with which his own was affiliated. Mr. Jones still drives his own car and has never had an accident, or even a ticket on his record. He was a member of the county board for 26 years and was a pioneer in many civic affairs Just as his brother Ralph (L. R. Jones) was a pioneer in his own field. Ed Jones was instrumental in getting railroad signals at the crossing in Brandon, he was responsible for having the roads widened all the way from Waupun to Ripon and was the first man to get snowplow sheds built in the entire state of Wisconsin. These are only a few of the important civic improvements which he has instigated. Mr. Jones told us some interesting stories about his family and the early years on the family farm and of his brother; Ralph. Their father, David Jones, was born in Pontepool, Monmouthshire, England, in 1828. He came to this country with his family on a sailing ship, a three-weeks Journey, when he was only fourteen years old. He become a carpenter and later built the first house in Brandon. He married Lucy J. Knapp and they had six children: Will, Frank, Ralph, Jessie, Fred, and Edwin. Their mother was very fond of Ralph and was responsible in many ways for his schooling. Ralph was one of four members of the first graduating class in the Brandon High School. Then he went on to Ripon College. Ed Jones, thinking back over a span of almost 80 years, said, "Oh, how she (his mother) worshipped that boy. She saved every penny to buy clothes for Ralph; to buy him a new shirt to wear to school. We didn‘t need many clothes on the farm, but he was going to college." On the week-ends, Ralph would bring some of his friends home from college to enjoy the luxuries of family living. One of his jobs, while at Ripon, was to carve meat in the dining room. He learned this art well, and one week-end was showing off his skill to his younger brother, Ed. He said, "You must carve with the grain. If you don't, it won't look good. And if it doesn't look good, it doesn't eat good." During the summers, when Ralph was home from college, he helped on the farm. They used a horse-drawn binder in the wheat fields, and Ed recalled how he used to drive while Ralph stood on one side and bound the grain. Ralph taught school for a time at Mount Morris Academy, Illinois, and then returned for further schooling at the University of Michigan. Later, he went to Vermont and, except for brief visits, did not return to Wisconsin for nearly 20 years. End Page 17. Begin Page 18. We talked with Mr. Jones for almost two hours and then it was time for us to leave. We felt a lot closer, however, to a man whom we had never met, L. R. Jones. we had shared part of his life ourselves, although our combined ages do not total the number of years ago that that history was made. ********** Acknowledgments are due to Mr. Eugene Herrling who donated much time in making the photograph for the front cover and in helping to have it printed; to Professor Robert H. Falton who helped to edit the manuscripts; to the secretaries in our departmental office who typed and mimeographed the manuscripts; and to numerous other persons who contributed their time and advice. Staff News D. C. Army New Chairman Appointed Professor John E. Mitchell was appointed Chairman of the Department by Dean Pound for the year 1964-1965. Conference on Abnormal Growth A. C. Hildebrandt and Gordon Holcomb presented invitational papers at the Conference on Abnormal Growth in Plants at Berkeley on November 5 and 6. A. C. Braun and E. E. Wilson, former Wisconsinites, were also on the program. Tissue Culture Conference A. C. Hildebrandt and I. K. Vasil will present invitational papers at the International Tissue Culture Conference, University of Baroda, India, in January, 1965, and Hildebrandt will spend a month visiting research and university facilities. Biochemical Congress R. D. Durbin attended the 6th International Biochemical Congress in New York, June, 1964. Cucumber Improvement Meetings P. H. Williams attended the Cucumber Improvement Cooperative meetings in Charleston, S. C., on October 1 and 2, and also the Pickle Packers International Meetings in Chicago on October 21 and 23. Dr. Darling Elected Honorary Life Member Dr. H. M. Darling was elected an Honorary Life Member of the Potato Association of America at their Annual Meeting in Idaho Falls this summer. He was also elected their new Vice President. Following the meeting, he traveled extensively in Mexico for the Rockefeller Foundation working on nematode problems. Professor Thorne in South Dakota Emeritus Professor Thorns spent six months in South Dakota working on nematode problems. He returned to Madison in November. He is as full of pep as ever. Walker Honored Emeritus Professor J. C. Walker was honored by the Wisconsin Canners Association at their meeting in Milwaukee, On November 9. Boone a grandfather-Dr. D. M. Boone is now a grandfather as Fluffie and Ginger both have puppies. End Page 18. Begin Page 19. Advanced Study Institute R. F. Patton attended the NATO-and NSF-sponsored Advanced Study Institute on Genetic Improvement of Forest Trees for Disease and Insect Resistance at Pennsylvania State University, on August 30 to September 11, l964, and presented h papers. Berbee in Nigeria Dr. J. G. Berbee and his family are in Ibadan, Nigeria for 2 years to aid in the development of the University of Ife and to teach Botany and Plant Pathology. Big Game Hunter D. M. Boone, our big game hunter, is now the proud possessor of an antelope head and a mule deer head (26" open). Course Changes Along with a new building, we have a fairly new look in course offerings. Kuntz and Hanson are teaching the course for undergraduates and new graduate students who have not had a beginning plant pathology course. Hildebrandt has a course in Communications. In the Principles and Methods course, Sequeira gives the two lectures per week and Smalley handles the laboratory for the first semester, while Mitchell, Moore and Barker will give the second semester. A summer course on identification and control of plant diseases will be given by Worf, Reason, and staff. Advanced courses will be as follows: Virology-Fulton; hematology-Darling and Barker; Plant Disease Physiology-Sequeira and Williams; Pathogen Variability and Host Resistance- Boone, Hagedorn, and Arny. In Botany, Backus continues to give Mycology and Allen, Physiology of Fungi. Dr. Allen new has part of his appointment in plant pathology, as Dr. Backus has had for many years. Impressions of the Edinburgh Meetings Luis Sequeira attended the 10th International Botanical Congress and presented a paper entitled "Role of plant growth regulators as toxins" as a participant in the symposium "Toxins as Factors in Plant Diseases". He gives us his impressions of the meetings: "As is the case with all large scientific meetings, one returned from the 10th International Botanical Congress with a mixture of real satisfaction for the opportunity to meet old friends and renew acquaintances that these meetings afforded, of mortification for all the good lectures that one was inevitably forced to miss, and of disappointment at the numerous poor presentations that one was subjected to despite a most carefully planned schedule to avoid such mishaps. As a neophyte in the art of attending international meetings, I do not know what one should expect to derive from such gatherings but, on the whole, the Edinburgh Botanical Congress was quite successful. "I was fortunate enough to attend a number of excellent presentations at the Plant Physiology and Fine Structure Mastings. Among these, I should single out H. Beavers' discussion on "Regulation of Alternative Respiratory Pathways", K. V. Thimann's presentation on tropisms, M. C. Ledbetter's illustrations of the beautiful cellular microtubules, only recently discovered, and J. E. Varner's discussion of enzymatic control by gibberellins. Fireworks appeared to be common at meetings other than Phytopathology. A. W. Galston‘s speculations on hormone action raised such a stir that the ensuing demand for an opportunity to challenge the speaker caused a minor fracas among the physiology brethren. "The Congress provided four excellent chamber music concerts, with artists of international caliber, and at very reasonable admission prices. Although not too many botanists took advantage of this unique Opportunity, the concerts definitely contributed to a more pleasant and enjoyable experience at Edinburgh." End Page 19. Begin Page 20. Hildebrandt Attends Congress A. C. Hildebrandt made invited contributions to the 10th International Botanical Congress at Edinburgh, Scotland. "Division and differentiation in higher plant cells" described work from this laboratory with cells of normal origins and diseased cells from crown galls, insect galls and THY-infected tissues. The second contribution was a colored film by T. M. Des, A. C. Hildebrandt and A. J. Riker, entitled "Nuclear and cytoplasmic changes in living tobacco cells as seen with phase and interference microscopy." "Visits were made to research facilities in universities in England, Hales, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland before and after the Congress. The staffs were cooperative in describing their researches. The number of laboratories that had new or expanding facilities, or were about to get them, was impressive. It was also of interest that many of the projects had extensive support from U. 8. Federal and private funds. Increased local financial support was also anticipated. In most of the laboratories, new and excellent equipment for research was available. In general, the level of research activity was excellent. “The boat trip back was relatively smooth, even though the hurricane season caused a change of course. This change was suggested when ash trays and chairs started to slide along the decks!" Symposium in Oxford J. E. Kuntz and A. J. Riker attended the FAQ/IUFBO Symposium on Internationally Dangerous Forest Diseases and Insects which was held July 20-30, 1964, at the University of Oxford, Oxford, England. In attendance were about 150 forest pathologists, forest entomologists, and regulatory officers from 34 countries of the world. Professors Daniel Benjamin and Dale Morris of the Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, also participated in the discussions concerning important insect pests and vectors. Objectives of this symposium were: 1. To assemble "key" forest biologists from countries throughout the world 2. To study in considerable detail, by formal papers and informal discussions, important insect pests and disease pathogens which threaten vast forest resources 3. To prepare and to publish a compilation of short descriptions of important insects and diseases attacking leading timber Species 4. To characterize briefly for regulatory officers those pathogens in each continent considered to be potentially dangerous if introduced to other continents 5. To develop a cooperative effort among nations to restrict the spread of dangerous tree diseases. Kuntz presented papers entitled "Diseases of Quercus in the United States", "Vascular Wilt Diseases of Forest and Shade Trees", and "The Control of Forest Tree Diseases." He also served on the Conference Board of Directors. Riker presented a paper entitled "Training of Forest Pathologists and Entomologists" and summarized his findings and impressions as to forestry conditions and dangerous tree diseases in many countries of the world. Both Dr. Kuntz and Dr. Biker attended the 10th International Botanical Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland where they presented an exhibit entitled "The Spread and Control of Oak Wilt." Before and after these conferences, Kuntz and Hiker visited a number of forestry research institutes in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, and England. End Page 20. Begin Page 21. Riker Again in South America As a member of the National Academy of Science’s Latin America Science Board, organized to advise and to assist the Alliance for Progress in its effort to improve science in that area, Dr. Riker first toured parts of the southwestern United States to study dry-land forestry and water conservation. Then, following a Science Board meeting in Peru, he revisited many countries in Central and South America. This time his objectives were to learn about problems of food shortages and growing of crops for food and fiber and to seek ways and means of helping these countries to develop their own natural resources. Conference Room In memory of his wife, Helen, Dr. Riker has provided the white oak paneling (from the General Jackson Oak), as well as the furniture, carpeting and other equipment for the Conference Room for plant pathology in Russell laboratories. This beautiful room will provide an excellent and greatly needed facility for faculty meetings, conferences, and discussion groups. Professor Riker Ill In September, Emeritus Professor Riker suffered a slight heart attack and spent several weeks convalescing in the hospital and at his home. Unfortunately, during this period he also was stricken with a slight stroke which has extended his recovery period. However, he is now at home and making excellent progress. Dr. Riker plans to spend summers in Madison, and winters in Arizona, probably at the University of Arizona in Tucson. One of his early goals is to complete the revision of his manual "Introduction to Research on Plant Diseases." Walker Conference The inaugural John Charles Walker Conference in Plant Pathology will be held on the campus June 22-25, 1965. The program will be on "Pathogenesis and Metabolism in Plants". Authorities from around the world will be present to take part in the informal discussions. R. D. Durbin is chairman of the committee which organized the program. Attendance will be largely on an invitational basis. Promotions Announced On July 1, 1964, it was announced that Dr. Sequeira had been promoted to Professor, and Drs. Berbee and Smalley had been promoted to Associate Professors. Extension Plant Pathologists’ Workshop On June 23-25, Extension Plant Pathologists E. K. Wade and G. L. Nerf will be hosts to the Fourth Workshop Conference of the Extension Plant Pathologists located in the North Central States. Pathologists from the following states will be participating: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Also taking an active part in the workshop will be Harlan Smith, Federal Extension Plant Pathologist, and Gordon A. Brendes, Rohm and Haas Company. The first workshop was held in November, 1959, at the Iowa State University with Malcom Shuttleff as host. Largely due to the organization and ground work laid down by Mal Shurtlcff and the pathological extension evangelism of "plant doctor" Eric Sharvelle of Purdue, this first workshop conference was a smashing success. All in attendance felt that the exchange of ideas, methods, and philosophy of plant pathology extension work was invaluable and stimulating. It was decided that future workshop sessions be scheduled, and since 1959 the following have been held: September, 1961 - University of Illinois, Hott Memorial Center, Monticcllo, Illinois, Hosts - Michael P. Britten, Malcolm C. Shurtleff, and Dwight Powell September, 1953- University of Minnesota, Grand View Lodge, Brainerd, Minnesota, Host -Herbert G. Johnson. End Page 21. Begin Page 22. One of the activities of the Workshop is the planning, writing, editing and publication of North Central Regional Extension Bulletins on plant diseases. Two publications have been released to date: N. C. Regional Ext. Publication No. 12, Lawn Diseases in the Midwest, and N. C. Regional Ext. Publication No. 17, Fungicides, Bactericides and Nematocides. Several other bulletins are in various stages of preparation and release. The main objectives of the 1965 Workshop are: 1. To exchange information pertaining to economic plant disease control developed by researchers and extension personnel in the respective states, so that extension plant pathologists may be as knowledgeable and as effective as possible. 2. To share in the compilation and preparation of regional extension plant pathology publications 50 that the highest quality publications can be obtained with the least expense for all cooperating states. 3. To establish uniform recommendations on the use of fungicides to the extent possible in order to minimize confusion of clients along state borders and to make fungicides of acceptable types more available to all consumers. 4. To share in educational techniques, visual aids, and ideas that have been developed by the various specialists and to make each specialist more proficient in methods of disseminating disease control information clearly and competently. 5. To maintain and further the plant disease extension educational philosophy among the specialists by discussing with administrators in their respective fields the present situation and existing trends in research and extension. Alumni News Deane C. Arny Howard W. Klemmer is now with the Department of Microbiology, the University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Hans Hottinger is with the Development Department, Ovaltine Company, Route Bern, Switzerland. Taiki Tamaoki is an Assistant Professor in the Cancer Research Unit at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. Miss J. C. (Cecile) Wihmar is starting a tissue culture laboratory for the Unilever Corporation in The Netherlands. Zafriro Volcani has returned to the Experiment Station, Rehovet, Israel, to work on bacterial diseases. Maciej Zenkteler is on leave from his position in Poland to study with Professor Maheshwari at the University of Delhi. T. M. Das has returned to India as Professor of Botany, University of Calcutta. Allen D. Boettcher is in Las Vegas, Nevada, as County Extension Plant Pathologist. J. E. Nighswander is new teaching biology at the University of Wisconsin, Marathon County Center, Wausau. Charles Main has Joined the staff of the USDA Tobacco Research Station at Oxford, North Carolina. Sam Richard has Joined the research staff of the Hooker Chemical Company, Niagara Falls, New York. Grover Smart recently accepted a new position in Hematology at the University of Florida, Gainesville. He will be working with V. G. Perry who also took his degree at Wisconsin a few years ago. Carlos Rodrigues will be returning to his position at the Estacao Agronomica Nacional, Portugal, where he will continue End Page 22. Begin Page 23. his work with coffee rust. D. L. Stuteville finished his degree under Hanson and is now an Assistant Professor at Kansas State University. John Boyle has been in Egypt teaching Plant Virology at Assuit University. Howard Waterworth has returned from Germany and is now at the USDA Plant Quarantine Station at Glenn Dale, Maryland, where he will be indexing importations of stone and pome fruits for viruses. He reports that he is also engaged. R. A. Kilpatrick is now at Texas A & M with the USDA doing work with wheat and oat rusts. Richard A. Reinert and his wife, at the University of Kentucky, have a new baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sievert also report an addition to their family. The Harvey w. Spurr family now has three sons. Theresa Norman became Mrs. Reynolds in August, 1961 and now resides near Reading, England. During the past year, several alumnae became heads (or chairman) of their respective departments. These are: J. B. Kendrick, Jr., University of California, Riverside; F. G. Smith, Iowa State University, Ames; W. W. Hare, Mississippi State University, College Station; D. A. Slack, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Former students (aside from Madison residents) attending the Botanical Congress at Edinburgh were J. B. Kendrick Jr. , M. E. Gallegly, Ray Grogan, John Bancroft, Elizabeth Schofield, Brian Deverall, Cecile Wilmer, Hendrina Brants, and John Decking. Brian Knight of NAAS, Wolverhampton, England, spent a day with the Walkers in late July at Burton, England. L. K. "Ike" Edmunds was a recent visitor from Manhattan, Kansas. with eight children the Edmunds perhaps can lay claim to the largest family of any of our alumnae. Any counter claims? J. E. Halpin, from Clemson, South Carolina, visited the department at the time of the Purdue meetings as did also L. F. Roth from Corvallis, Oregon, and T. P. Pirone from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. S. H. Orr visited us early in the summer. Joe is now at the International Rice Institute in the Philippines. Emeritus Professor John Brann is still enjoying life at Bailey's Harbor where he and his wife have a home on the shore of Lake Michigan. A. L. Hooker, of the University of Illinois, is spending his sabbatical leave at Berkeley. Word has been received that John G. McLean passed away unexpectedly following a sudden heart. attack. A native of Nebraska, he obtained his B.S. degree there in 1935. He then came to Wisconsin where he received his Ph.D. degree in 1940 studying with Professor J. C. Walker on potato diseases. After spending a year on the staff here he continued to work on various phases of potato pathology in Colorado, California and Idaho. For the past few years he has held the position of Extension Specialist in vegetable crops at Davis. Those of us who knew John, always found him a considerate and conscientious student of pathology whose sharp mind and love of people created an enthusiastic response to the problems on which he worked. Our deepest sympathies are extended to his wife and children. Graduate Student News Marriages Gordon Holcomb to Alice Duff - January 25, 1964, Madison, Wisconsin. Denis Lachance to Ruth Gagnon - August 29, 1964, Quebec, P.Q., Canada. Births To Mr. and. Mrs. J. O. Strandberg, a girl - June 16, 1964. End Page 23. Begin Page 24. New Graduate Students 1. Adegbola, M. O. K. Ibadan, Nigeria, B.Sc. (London) University Ibadan. D. J. Hagedorn, Pathological aspects of Pythium sp. on bean. 2. Bagga, D. K. Punjab, India. B.Sc., M.Sc. (Honor School) Punjab Univ. M.S. Univ. Wisconsin. E. B. Smalley. Hpoxylon canker on Poplar. 3. Barnett, 0. W., Jr. Pine Bluff, Arkansas. B.S., M.S. Univ. Arkansas. R. W. Fulton. Plant virus inhibitors. 4. Bartz, Jerry A. Ripon, Wisconsin. B.S., Univ. Wisconsin. J. E. Mitchell. Fungicides on fruit trees. 5. Biris, Demetrios A. Athens, Greece. B.Se., 14.8c., Graduate School of Agriculture, Athens. J. D. Moore. Eradicants for brown rot of sour cherry. 6. Bone, Horace T. Raleigh, North Carolina. B.S., North Carolina State College. J. E. Kuntz. Biological effect of herbicides on microorganisms in forest soils. 7. Campos, Amanda. Mexico City, Mexico. B.S., Univ. Coahuila, M.S., Univ. Wisconsin. H. M. Darling. Heterodera rostochiensis. 8. Darunday, Zenalda D. Tagbilaran, Bahal, Philippines. B.S. Agr., Univ. or the Philippines. E. W. Hanson. 9. Duniway, John M. Atherton, California. B.A. Carleton College. R. D. Durbin. Transpiration and bean rust. 10. Friend, Robert J. Sydney, Australia. B.Sc. Agr., Sydney Univ., M.Sc., Exeter, England. D. M. Boone. Storage problems of cranberries. 11. Hoitink, Henricus A. J. The Netherlands. B.Sc., M.Sc., McGill Univ., Montreal. D. J. Hagedorn. Bacterial blights of bean and pea. 12. Hsu, Grace Chia-Yu. Chiangan, China. B.S., National Taiwan Univ. J. E. Mitchell. Effect of pea root exudates on Fusarium sp. 13. Huang, Liang-Hsuing. Taiwan, China. B.S., National Taiwan Univ. D. J. Hagedorn. Pea viruses. 14. Myren, Donald T. B.S., Univ. Minnesota, M.S., North Carolina State. R. F. Patton. Plantation root-rots. 15. Pinney, Robert D. Watertown, Wisconsin. B.S., Beloit. College. A. C. Hildebrandt. Gladiolus viruses. 16. Punwasi, Reginald B. B.S., M.S., Southern Illinois University. R. D. Durbin. 17. Rabie, Chris J. South Africa. B.S., Univ. Wisconsin, D.Sc., Pretoria. E. B. Smalley. Fungus toxins. 18. Steadman, James R. Cleveland, Ohio. B.A. Hiram College, Ohio. Luis Sequeira. Auxins. 19. Thies, Walter G. Florissant, Missouri. B.S., Univ. Missouri, Columbia. R. F. Patton. Cylindrocladium scoparium on nursery stock. New Postdoctoral Fellows 1. Elsaid, Hany. Cairo, Egypt. Ph.D., 1964, Louisiana State Univ. J. D. Moore. Seed transmission of stone fruit viruses. 2. Saad, Adib T. Kayfoun, Lebanon. B.Sc., M.Sc., American Univ. Beirut., Ph.D., 1964, Univ. Wisconsin. D. M. Boone. Physiology of parasitism, fungus diseases. 3. Yang, Charles. Peiping, China. B.S., Taiwan Provincial College of Agriculture, M.S., National Taiwan Univ., Univ. Wisconsin, Ph.D., Univ. Wisconsin. J. E. Mitchell. Physiological studies on Aphanomyces euteiches and pea. root rot diseases. Project Associate. End Page 24. Begin Page 25. Letters to the Editor The following letter came in an envelope addressed to the Editor of the Wisconsin Pathogen. It seems possible that the sender may have gotten confused and placed his letters in the wrong envelopes, but not being sure, we decided to print it anyway-Editor's note. Dear Mom and Dad: We have at long last moved into our new building. Now that my back is beginning to heal, I like to sit back and reflect upon that moving experience last September-the sweating, straining, cursing and cries of pain, but even more, I like to take time (insofar as it does not interfere with my research) to ponder the future in our new quarters. We have entered upon a new era of plant pathology. Our eight-story corn crib nestled among three brick silos is not only a monument to Wisconsin‘s great contributions to classical plant pathology, but is also a promise of even greater achievements in molecular phytopathology. Our laboratories are equipped with the finest and latest biochemical equipment including an electron microscope, an amino acid analyzer, and infra-red spectrophotometer and many others. You might think that these aren't the tools of a plant pathologist and might argue that a plant pathologist is not trained to use them. I assure you that this is nothing to worry about. Each new instrument comes with a complete set of instructions, and our close working relationship with the Department of Biochemistry allows us an interpretation of our results before they are published. I know you think that we have deserted the farmer with our new emphasis on molecules. This is not true. We are merely paving the way for the future-molecular farming. There is another feature of our new building that I cannot neglect to mention. Our phytopathotron is currently the finest development of its kind for wilting tomatoes under carefully controlled and recorded environmental conditions. I am a bit concerned, however, that Dr. Senn will soon be able to undercut our monthly rates and do to us what supermarkets have done to the neighborhood grocer. The other day, as I sat with my feet on the furniture in the departmental Common Room, someone passed the hat for the construction of a springboard at the top of the center stairwell for the use of despondent graduate students only. We are always getting hit for things like that (the Annual Plant Pathology Fall Party, APS dues, etc.). It is no wonder I am always broke. Last week, in the elevator on my way down to play volleyball (this noon-time activity is part of our new physical fitness program), I was nabbed by Dr. Kuntz who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and charged me with possession of an unauthorized key. My attorney is now preparing a defense based upon the necessity of having free access to the men's room even on weekends. I would never have been caught except that recently I have taken to carrying my keys around in a wheelbarrow. Remember, Mom, how I used to stand on my tiptoes to reach the cookie jar? This is what we are now being forced to do under a mandate from our new Dean. Although it does help to reach reagents on the top shelf, I must admit it does make work in the lab more awkward. Well, I must get onward and upward with science. Do come visit our new facilities soon. Here I go, up on my toes. Your little plant pathologist, Phil Arneson End Page 25.