Ann MacGuidwin
Professor Emeritus
Phone: 608-263-6131
491 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Dr
Madison, WI 53706
Ph.D Michigan State University in Entomology (Nematology)
As the department’s only nematologist, my research projects often include a wide variety of nematode species, crops, and approaches. Members of our group often work in collaboration with other scientists in the Department. I have two primary research interests – the role of nematodes in the early dying disease of potato and the overwinter survival strategies of nematodes. We have demonstrated in field trials that the nematode Pratylenchus penetrans and Verticillium dahliae interact synergistically to cause potato early dying and are now studying mechanisms responsible for the interaction. The emphasis of our program on the overwinter survival of nematodes is to understand the ecological and physiological parameters which enable nematodes in Wisconsin to survive freezing. The goal of my collaborative work is to develop sustainable management strategies for nematode pests of potato, soybean, corn, and other crops important to the north central region of the U.S.
Courses Taught
- Pl Path/Botany 123 Plants, Parasites, and People
- Soils/Pl Path 323 Soil Biology
- Pl Path 558 Biology of Plant Pathogens
Melito, S., Heuberger, A. L., Cook, D., Diers, B. W., MacGuidwin, A. E., and Bent, A. F. 2010. A nematode demographics assay in transgenic roots reveals no significant impacts of the Rhg1 locus LRR-Kinase on soybean cyst nematode resistance. BMC Plant Biology 2010, 10:104
Pedersen, P., G. L. Tylka, A, Mallarino, A. E. MacGuidwin, N. C. Koval, and C. R. Grau. 2010. Correlation between Soil pH, Heterodera glycines population densities, and soybean yield. Crop Science 50:1458–1464.
Schroeder, N. E., and MacGuidwin, A. E. 2010. Behavioral quiescence reduces the penetration and toxicity of exogenous compounds in second-stage juveniles of Heterodera glycines. Nematology, 12:277-287.
Schroeder, N. E., and MacGuidwin, A. E. 2010. Mortality and behavior inHeterodera glycines juveniles following exposure to isothiocyanate compounds. J. Nematology 42(2) (in press: the JON has not released this issue, but the date will be 2010).
Schroeder, N. E., D. J. Gerhardt, A. Phibbs, and A. MacGuidwin. 2008. First report of Cactodera milleri in Wisconsin. Plant Disease 92:656.
Wang, K.-H., B. S. Sipes, D. P. Schmitt, A. E. MacGuidwin, M. McKenry, T. Bliss, B. R. Kerry, and S. Costa. 2008. Plant Nematological Contributions to Phytopathology
APS Net, Feature Article, November 2008.